Her Roots Story

 Growing up in a South Asian Household, hair oiling was an integral part of my family's routine. I remember my sister had the most luscious locks, and I used to daydream that I want to have hair like her once I grow up. I remember once every sunny afternoon, my mother would have my sister sit down, and she would massage her head with the magic potion of cold-pressed oils.

Oiling is a part of South Asian culture, handed down from generation to generation. Every family has its secret ingredients that they use in making their oil. It was also a bonding time for families; elders would massage young ones' hair while telling fables passed down from generation to generation. And then I grew older, and that came with its own troubles.

I started to have androgenic Alopecia that I tried to treat for years, and nothing helped until my mother told me her secret recipe over our tea time one day. The secret recipe of the oil potion was kept sacred in her family. I knew I had to try it, and within a few months, I stopped waking up to my bed having a pool of hair. Now, I want to share this secret with the rest of you, who are also struggling with their hair's health. This oil mix is formulated with the best quality of certified organic oils and Ayurvedic ingredients that will help transform your hair.

I am beyond excited to share my roots hair rituals with you through Her Roots. I hope you share it with your loved ones.